My precious son...
I remember the moment I found out I was pregnant. I am not gonna lie sweetheart, but I was scared. I knew I was going to be a mother one day but Daddy and I were so young the idea scared us. It took me about a week until I really understood how excited I was. I made sure I ate my vitamins and drank lots of water. I should have exercised. I took pictures of my tummy every few weeks throughout the whole time you were in there! It was so cool to see how you grew little by little then really fast all at once. The first few times i felt you move it felt like little bubbles were popping in my tummy. Haha I know it sounds silly. But you were a strong little monkey in there and it was not long before I knew for sure the bouncing I felt in my tummy was you. You silly thing. I loved feeling you kick. Most of the time. I remember the first time Daddy felt you kick. His eyes got big and he pulled his hand away. lol But it was not the last time Daddy felt you. You little stinker. You woke him up almost every night kicking him in the back. Daddy was really fussy. But he loved it. You slept all day and played all night. OH....I remember the first time that we tried to find out if you were a he or little wiggler. You wiggled so much that we had to wait another month to find out. That was not very nice at all. But at 24 weeks I went in, Daddy had to work, and found out you were my little man. My precious little prince. I went to the Oregon Duck store (I am sure that you are a hard core Duck fan!) and picked out a little outfit for you, wrapped it and then brought it to Daddy. He was kind of shocked that you were a boy (he probably will tell you that's not true...but it is). Oh it was right around then that Your Auntie Jessica told me she too was going to have a baby! We were so excited that you were going to have a cousin.
Months went by quickly but when it came to your due date that passed slowly. Daddy was invited on a camping trip with some of his friends and Mommy said no way. You were due May 25th and that was memorial day. But you were a stinker and waited 8 more days. I know now that those 8 days were another one of God's gifts to me. He knew that I would want a little more time with my Heaven-bound angel. You are my angel Joshua. My precious prince that awaits me in Heaven. I am so excited to see you. False labor started and I was so excited and nervous and worried...and I went to the midwifery and they gave me some sleeping pills and sent me home to bed. This was Tuesday June 1st. Daddy went to work the rest of the day and I slept. But family from out of town came in...all ready to meet you. The next day I was feeling fine and Daddy went to work and I cleaned the house cause there was not a lot to do other then wait for your sassy little behind. That night we went to dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Nice's house. During dinner I felt contractions steadily but I was so tired of being excited I ignored them. I told Daddy on the way home that I thought you might try to escape that night. Poor Daddy was so tired. We went to bed at I was up two hours later for the bathroom. I laid back in bed and all of a sudden it felt as if someone (I won't name any names) gave me a swift kick. Seconds later the water came. " water broke." I said it quietly to Daddy. When he stumbled out of bed he told me that "Next time I should wake him up more gentle." Hahaha... I pray that you have the personality like your daddy, he is so funny! I am sure you have all of Heaven smiling up there. We went to the hospital and spent the next 12 hours birthing you. You were no picnic either my little monkey. You were wiggling around and kicking me in the ribs. Very obnoxious. I even felt you kicking as I was pushing. You were doing just fine...and you know the rest of the story. I am sure that Jesus was waiting with us in that room just like the doctor who was ready to catch you coming out. Jesus is much quicker then she was.
Baby Boy, on this your first birthday...I want you to know... I am so proud of you! So proud. Never in my life have I experienced the intensity of love and pride then when I held you in my arms. You are my little monkey, my Joshua Alan. I love you more then life. And so does Daddy. We have loved you since we knew you were created and we will love you until beyond the end of time...because you are my forever son. And when we meet again in Heaven oh what a celebration it will be! I reunion filled by the most precious thing of all...Love.
I love you Joshua Alan Nice, my little monkey...Forever is how long a mother's love lasts.
Dear Father,
You have my son. Please throw a big party. He deserves it. Please give him a hug and kiss for me today and everyday. Make the days swift til I get to see his face. Help me have patience to not waste m time here but change the lives of those you have called me to. I will not fully understand until I see your face...but I want to make you proud none-the-less. Please cover us today. Matthew, Me, and all our family and friends. Please bring us that same joy that you did in the Hospital. Please show your grace efficient today. This weekend. Next week. Next month. Next year. We will need it in different ways but our need for it will never lessen. We trust you. We know that you are good. And I know that you love Me and My Mattie and My Monkey. Thank you for loving us so much.
I love you back.